U.S. Senator Markwayne Mullin. Official photo.

I’ll Get You At Recess

November 26, 2023

Aaron Burr’s “legacy is defined by his famous personal and political conflict with Hamilton, which culminated in the Burr–Hamilton duel in Weehawken, New Jersey on July 11, 1804, during which Burr mortally wounded Hamilton, who died from his wounds the following day.”

Preston Brooks “is most remembered for his May 22, 1856 attack upon abolitionist and Republican Senator Charles Sumner, whom he beat nearly to death; Brooks beat Sumner with a cane on the floor of the United States Senate in retaliation for an anti-slavery speech in which Sumner verbally attacked Brooks’s first cousin once removed.”

A senator savagely beat a fellow senator on the floor of the United States. With a cane. Because of a Sumner speech. Mr. Brooks resigned but was shortly reappointed/reelected by his constituency. How times have changed! I wish!

In 2014, New York representative Michael Grimm caught on camera, threatened to throw a reporter over a balcony for asking an off-topic question following one of President Obama’s State of the Union addresses.

In 2017 Rep. Don Young of Alaska held a knife to the throat of John Boehner in the House chamber, over a debate about earmarks. The incident was corroborated by both men with very slight differences in the accounts.

Also in 2017, Montana representative-candidate Greg Gianforte pled guilty to body-slamming a reporter. This was in reaction to the reporter’s question about Gianforte’s support of the American Healthcare Act.

Candidate Joe Biden, discussing Donald Trump’s Access Hollywood boasts about what he as a star could get away with, said “I wish we were both in high school where I could take him behind the gym . . .”

We have a rich history in the people and places associated with our halls of power. A country of remarkable accomplishment. Beacon to the world, but a seamy underbelly of less than stellar actions. One would hope that we had turned the dark corners in our history, but alas. Not so.

Very recently we had another incident in the halls of power when Markwayne Mullin, former MMA fighter and current U.S. Senator from Oklahoma, during an official proceeding, called out a witness, a Teamster president, for critical tweets made months prior. Challenged him to a fight. During the official meeting. DURING THE MEETING.

The other guy did not back down. Mr. Mullin stood up, and started to take his wedding ring off preparing to ‘throw down.’ During an official proceeding. To “Settle things like consenting adults.” Chairman Bernie Sanders threw cold water on things, calling attention to the spectacle unfolding and the position Mr. Mullin holds. To another ding on the public perception of this political body.

Mr. Mullin ran to the media justifying his bravado. Andrew Jackson dueled nine times. (Not true). Abraham Lincoln dueled with a sword. (Not true). Preston Brooks DID cane fellow senator, Sumner, but it was not a commendable justifying act. It was a savage, vicious attack on a seated co-worker.

Where are we at? How did we get here? Is it ‘manly’ to respond to words with violence or threatened violence? Does violence somehow prove manhood? Mr. Mullin likened his actions to standing up to a bully. Who was the bully here?
There is an old saw that seems to apply:

Sticks and stones….

What do our children see? What are they hearing? What are they learning? There is much outrage these days about what is being taught in our classrooms. About what is being offered in our libraries.

Some attention should be directed at what is being seen and heard in our halls of power. By the people elected to represent us. Does Mr. Mullin’s conduct accurately represent the people of Oklahoma? Does it represent your values?

Does it represent the teachings of the churches in Oklahoma? Of anywhere? Is this what Jesus did? What he taught? I remember what he did when Peter cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant. (Luke 22:50,51). He said, “smiteth the bully.”

No, that is not what he said, and everyone reading this article knows it. He healed the servant’s ear and chastised Peter for resorting to violence, even in the name of protecting Jesus.

What if this Senate incident had been allowed to unwind further? What would the conversation be today? Does anyone remember Columbine or other school shootings that followed from unpunished bullies? I am sure Mr. Mullin would have administered a modern-day ‘caning’ on the witness. He is a former Mixed Martial Artist. What would it have proven? What would we be talking about today? Would he be hailed as a hero? Or reviled? I would hope the latter but I’m not convinced given the current state of the world. Where are we? How did we get here? What would happen NEXT?

This drama is not even the only one in the news lately. They are coming in torrents. I was pretty careful in this article to avoid mentioning political parties. This conduct is abhorrent. It doesn’t matter who is doing it.

Consider the rebuke of Fox firebrand Laura Ingraham who gave credit to Bernie Sanders for handling the outburst and said:

“Everything you just saw was a complete and utter embarrassment. It shouldn’t be what is projected to our kids from our nation’s Capitol. Reminder to all of you, yeah, the children are watching. You’re supposed to be the adults in the room. So act like it.”

If you have been reading my articles, you know I have often asked what children are learning from us. They hear what we say. They see what we do. They look to us as examples. They copy.

This conduct does not represent my values. Does it represent yours? I am not demeaning the people involved. I am condemning the behavior. Publicly. I encourage everyone to speak up. Speak out against this type of behavior. There is no justification for violence or calls to violence, especially by/between/against adult government officials mid-duty. Don’t condemn people. Condemn childish behavior. Speak up! Speak out! This is not a right/left/red/blue thing. It is a grown-up/human thing.

The children are watching!

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