Ranking the Most Evil Christmas Movie Villains

December 24, 2022

It’s the holiday season, so what better way to celebrate than to reminisce about some all-time great Christmas movie villains?

Included is a mix of traditional bad guys, those who start out as monsters but come to see the error of their ways, as well as the downright annoying.

Also, this list is mine, so it’s 100% correct and should be taken as gospel. To be more accurate, it’s just some of my personal favorites.

Enjoy, debate, and discuss!

10. The Abominable Snowman (Rudolph)

Let’s be honest, this cat is terrifying. With gigantic white fur and long, pointed fangs along with a hairless blue face, lips, hands, and feet, he is a true monster. He gets his, however, thanks to Yukon Cornelius (one of the true heroes of the story) and his dogs.

9. Walter Hobbs (Elf)

In another redemption story, Walter is altogether evil at first. He refuses to acknowledge Buddy as his son and has no time for his other son, Michae. Walter is like Frank Cross and Mr. Potter in many ways, but ultimately comes around (even though he lip-syncs!)

8. Frank Cross (Scrooged)

Like Ebeneezer Scrooge, Cross changes course after being visited by three spirits. Before that, however, he is a cold-hearted businessman who tries to glue antlers to a mouse and gets his brother a towel for Christmas. I mean imagine getting all hyped to open a present and you get….that. But Frank turns out alright in the end, with plenty of hilarity along the way.

7. Oogie Boogie (The Nightmare Before Christmas)

Oogie is the embodiment of a child’s worst nightmare, with his burlap sack of a body and ghastly nature. I mean, he makes Snake and Spider stew and uses people as ingredients, not to mention his penchant for gambling. The evil Oogie is ultimately defeated, however, in another win for the good guys.

6. The Grinch

I know, I know, before The Who’s still celebrated Christmas after he stole all their presents, this monster is probably THE Christmas villain. And let’s be honest, he was terrible. And to make matters worse, he drags his sweet dog Max into his evil ways. But you know the story, his heart grows three sizes, he returns to the gifts and takes part in the Christmas celebration.

5. Uncle Frank McAllister (Home Alone)

Yes, I know Harry and Marv or the true villains of Home Alone, but let’s face it, no one is more disliked than Uncle Frank. Frank is a grumpy, self-absorbed cheapskate who refuses to pay for pizza (it’s my brother’s house, he’ll take care of it) and antagonizes the entire family, especially Kevin (look what you did you little jerk). He also at one point tells his wife to steal some crystal. What a guy.

4. Scott Farkus (A Christmas Story)

Let’s face it, Scott Farkus is nothing more than a bully. Along with his sidekick, Grover Dill, they terrorize Ralphie and his friends, until Ralphie takes matters into his own hands. As we all know, Ralphie eventually beats the crap out of Farkus, until finally, his mother, of all people, stops him. We don’t see much of old Scott after that.

3. Ebeneezer Scrooge

In the ultimate tale of redemption, we are first introduced to Scrooge as a cold-hearted miser who hates Christmas. Alas, he is visited by three spirits (the Ghosts of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas future) and comes around to the idea of Christmas. A defining character and tale of the holiday season.

2. Hans Gruber (Die Hard)

Yes, Die Hard is a Christmas movie (didn’t we go over this last year, and the year before, and the year before…). Thank God for John McClane, who thwarts the evil Gruber, a criminal mastermind who holds the Nakatomi Plaza hostage. Another character where there are no redeemable qualities, just an evil terrorist who gets his in the end.

1. Mr. Potter (It’s a Wonderful Life)

There are really no redeeming qualities about Henry Potter. He’s a rich, curmudgeonly old man who lords over Bedford Falls. Refusing to give George Bailey so much as a holiday loan, Potter is more than happy to see Bailey and the rest of the town suffer as he lines his pockets. I wish I could say he came around, but alas, he did not. Nevertheless, this is a classic story where good triumphs over evil, and it’s Bailey, not Potter, that gets the last laugh.

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