Proposed "boat launch only" development

Council To Move Forward With Applications For Grant-Funded Projects

February 22, 2022

WARREN, Pa. – Warren City Council approved on Monday a resolution to go forward with applications for proposed projects that have been earmarked through a grant from state gaming funds.

The grants, which are in the amount of $1 million, include applications for the following projects:

Clark St. parking garage repairs ($1 million)
Mulberry Park improvements ($1 million)
Fire station equipment upgrades ($1 million)
Riverfront development ($1 million)
Betts Park all-weather building ($1 million)

“These are statewide grant funding applications and priority level has been established,” said Executive Secretary Teena Leary.

The applications must be submitted by March 15, and the grants do not have to be matched by the city.

“The application process is extensive,” said Director of Public Works Mike Holtz.

A proposal for a Miracle League Field was originally proposed during the Feb. 8 council meeting as well, but the application for that project was scrapped because a specific location couldn’t be decided on.

The state has a total of $100 million available through gaming revenue funds.

“This is an especially opportune time to apply for funds that otherwise might be difficult to approve,” said City Manager Nancy Freenock.

Added Holtz: “We’re shooting for the moon.”

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