The parking garage on Clark Street Photo by Andy Close.

City OKs Borrowing Money to Use for Clark St. Garage Repairs

February 2, 2022

WARREN, Pa. – Warren City Council passed a motion at Monday’s meeting to borrow $3.6 million for the Clark St. rehabilitation project.

The monies will go toward repairs of the Clark St. Parking Garage, which will also include an additional $2.8 million to be invested into the garage.

“We currently have two outstanding loans with KeyBank for parking garage repairs,” said City Finance Officer Jessica Byler. “We have a proposal from KeyBank with a 2.37 % interest rate, which will be tough to beat.”

Added Councilman Maurice Cashman: “That’s an interest rate that wouldn’t be there tomorrow in my view.”

Mayor Dave Wortman why the staff recommended $3.6 million specifically.

“I wanted to keep the debt service close to what it is now,” said City Manager Nancy Freenock.

Director of Public Works Mike Holtz explained how the money would be used.

“Money would go through all the concrete, they would put it back together, recode and work on expansion joints and repainting and repairing of the pans that hold the concrete in place,” he said. “These repairs wouldn’t displace anybody.”

Councilman John Wortman expressed how the garage has become a necessary part of the community.

“This garage is going to be needed,” he said. “We have the opportunity to keep it for the next 40 years. If we fail to act on this loan rate, I feel that we are going to cost additional money to our citizens.”

Wendy McCain was not able to be present at the meeting but expressed her views on the issue as well in a statement read by John Wortman.

“My reccomendation is to postpone a vote on the garage until we can clarify the parking status and needs of Warren,” McCain said in her statement. “Based on counting cars during usiness hours, approximately 35 % of the garage is being utilized.

“The list of current issues is extensive and attributed to  the originial construction. A quote from the study. ‘The magnitude of concrete deterioration not normal for 15-year old garage. We should not continued to spend money. Let’s determine what the parking situation is, what our needs are and potential solutions before taking out a loan that the next generation will be paying for.”

Added Dave Wortman: “I just feel like we have the cart in front of the horse.”

The motion passed by a 5-1 vote, with Mayor Wortman the opposing vote.

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