2nd Annual ISA Golf Scramble Set for Saturday

May 26, 2021

WARREN, Pa. – The International Sports Academy will be holding its second annual golf tournament on Saturday, May 29, at Cable Hollow Golf Course in Russell.

The ISA connects at-risk youth with long-term mentors to change their lives, now and for eternity. The annual golf scramble helps ISA raise the funds it needs to complete its mission.

“In the past year, we’ve been able to begin working in seven nations, and we currently have over a dozen ISA clubs functioning,” ISA President Rick Rohlin said. “We are in the process of training leaders who will in turn train thousands of leaders who will start more clubs. Most of these clubs are in areas of extreme poverty with very little hope. Of course, there are no opportunities for sports until we come in.”

The organization uses a number of different sports to help reach young athletes, including basketball, volleyball, soccer, badminton, cricket, ping-pong, tennis, handball, darts, pickleball, and even e-gaming. In addition to its overseas clubs in Kenya, India, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Togo, and Guinea, the ISA is also giving kids opportunities to participate in sports domestically.

“We were also able to work in Warren County and Chautauqua County over the winter in sponsoring three club basketball teams and a high school basketball league,” Rohlin said. “Since New York State schools were not allowing their teams to play because of COVID, we were able to provide a season for 25 athletes who otherwise would not have been able to play.”

The group has even bigger plans for the coming year.

“This year, we are taking a huge step in reaching more youth worldwide and are in the process of developing staff, both in the US and internationally,” Rohlin said. “The invitations are endless and the number of students to reach with sports, joy, relationships, mentorship, and the hope of the Gospel number well into the tens of thousands.”

There are select spots left available to register a team, and registrations must be received by Thursday, May 27. Those interested in registering a team, or sponsoring the event, can go to ISAsports.org/golf.

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