WGH Auxiliary Board Announces 2021 Basket Contest Winners

December 30, 2021

Warren General Hospital Auxiliary Board would like to thank the WGH Departments and area businesses that entered the 2021 Annual Basket Contest.

The annual basket contest brings our employees and area businesses together in an effort that supports WGH, a community asset. Community members help support WGH when they purchase tickets hoping to be the winner of their favorite basket.

The Annual Basket Contest is WGH Auxiliary’s largest fundraiser of the year and the funds are used to purchase additional medical equipment and funds projects throughout the hospital that enhance programs and services. This couldn’t be achieved without the generosity of the WGH employees and our community businesses and friends. Thank you!

Below are the baskets that each WGH department and business donated and the winners.

Administration/BOD: Peloton : Tammy Bimber

WGH Auxiliary: $1000 & 3ft Santa : Helen Bova

Behavioral Health: Desserts for a year: Jen Wilcox

Building Services: Lottery Tickets/Basket: Nicole Watkins

Environmental Services: Wine & Wine country:Lori Gaber

Laboratory Dept: Over the River : Pamela Salvaggio

Maternal Child Health: Local Gift Cards: Sue Baldensperger

Pharmacy: Wagon of Wonder: Archer/Sue Perrin

Quality Analyst Team:Christmas Date Night: Lee Gray

Rehab Works:Gingerbread Lottery House: Brent Franklin

Surrgical Services: Gift Cards,teas,coffee & more:Judy McElhatten

Urology: Making “Spirits” Bright: Kelly Roudybush

Warren Medical Group:Gift Card Tree: Randy Sharp

WMG Pleasant: Pamper Yourself: Marc Goldthwaite

Window Box: Gnome & $100: Kathleen Swartz

(BillingDept/Case Mgmt/Fiscal Dept/Home Health Care/Outpatient Reg/Patient Acts/Respiratory Therapy/ Advanced wound Care/Restorix Health): Coventina Spa: Tracey Caldwell

Anytime Fitness:”Get Fit”:Lynn Olsen

Client Financial Services: Michigan Food: Kim Campbell

Country Fair: (4) $25 gas cards: Dave Baxter

Hospice of Warren County: Vera Bradley Basket: Susan Dunkle

Joan Nosel Memorial Basket: Coffee maker: Denise Strandahl

Knox Law: $500 cash & $200 Harbor Hotel GC : Regan Olsen

MacDonald Illig Attorney’s: Success Ingredients: John Cutaloni

Northwest Bank: Sports Package: Susan Hanson

Ollie’s Bargain Outlet:”Gnome for the Holidays”: Kim Campbell

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