Residents Protest Proposed Hotel Development

October 16, 2020

WARREN, Pa. – More than 25 people came to Breeze Point Landing Friday to protest the proposed hotel development project.

(Photo by Brian Hagberg. Lily Lindell (left) and Maddy Maurer hold signs protesting the proposed Breeze Point Landing hotel development project Friday, Oct. 16, 2020. The pair were part of a group of more than 25 who attended Friday’s protest.)

The protest was organized by Pat Evans, who opposes the location of the proposed development.

“I’m not opposed to a hotel, I just don’t want it built here,” Evans said. “There’s no compelling reason this property should be used any differently (than it is currently).”

The hotel development proposal includes Breeze Point and the adjacent parcel.

The protestors first gathered at Breeze Point to create signs before moving up to the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Liberty Street. Many motorists beeped and waved as they drove through the intersection.

“There seems to be agreement (by the motorists),” Mark Evans said.

(Photo by Brian Hagberg. Protestors gather at Breeze Point Landing to protest the proposed hotel development at the property.)

The protestors were multi-generational with some young children in with a group that included those in their 80s.

“There are people here who only care about the park,” Pat said. “Some don’t want a hotel here and some are concerned the city is giving the property away.”

The City of Warren is willing to donate the Breeze Point parcel, and the owner of the adjacent parcel, Bob Yoder, has agreed to donate it as well.

Pat, who has extensive experience in local government issues as a former Warren County Commissioner and Planning Commission member, is concerned the proposed development won’t live up to its promises.

“‘Cobbling together property’ is a problem for me,” she said. “It never turns out as well as the developers say.”

And if the development fails to deliver, Pat added, it’s a loss not just of opportunity, but of part of Warren’s natural beauty.

“This natural beauty would no longer be open to the public,” Pat said. “And there are people who have invested in real estate here who would lose their view.”

She anticipates more protests will occur if the development project moves forward.

“We’ll likely be out here again,” Pat said.

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