Commissioners Discuss Potential Cost Savings Opportunities

May 9, 2023

WARREN, Pa. – Like everyone else, the Warren County Commissioners are looking at ways to save money.

The county discussed a potential agreement with three+one, a third-party financial data provider, that could provide cost savings to the county during Monday’s work session.

County Treasurer Denny Munksgard explained how using three+one would be beneficial to the county.

“They would have access and copies of bank statements and look for cost savings opportunities for improvement in interest earnings,” Munksgard explained.

There is no fee to the county if they don’t find savings.

“I’ve talked to seven to 10 other treasurers throughout the state, and they all had positive reviews,” Munksgard said.

The only fee for the county would be if savings are found, and the cost is tied to the size of the county.

“If savings are found, the fee is capped at $9,900,” Commissioner Ben Kafferlin explained.

Commissioners Tricia Durbin and Jeff Eggleston were on board with using three+one as well.

“I think they absolutely would provide us some return on investment,” Durbin said.

Should a contract be approved in May, Munksgard said results could be provided as soon as the end of June.

“It sounds like a very good thing to do,” Eggleston said.

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