Commissioners Approve Allocation of Funds for National Bank Building

April 15, 2022

WARREN, Pa. – The Warren County Commissioners approved a resolution during Wednesday’s meeting to allocate $100,000 to the Warren County Development Association for work on the Warren National Bank Building.

The $100,000 will be a match, provided the WCDA gets an additional $500,000 in a USDA grant.

“The $100,000 would be used as a match for the continued redevelopment of that building for education, workforce, and training,” said Commissioner Jeff Eggleston. “I think it’s a valuable enterprise.”

The WCDA is an affiliate of the Warren County Chamber of Business and Industry. It currently houses the Northern Pennsylvania Regional College offices, PNC Wealth Management offices, and Innovault Coworking.


The commissioners also recognized the appointments of Sheryl Vanco and Brian Jennings to the Warren County Planning Commission.

“Sherly will be a great addition to the group,” Eggleston said. “I got a chance to meet Mr. Jennings and he brings a lot of experience to the table. They’ve been searching for two members for quite some time, and I think Dan Glotz (County Planning Director) is going to be doing cartwheels.”

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