Allegheny Oil and Lube Captures Captures Girls Minors’ Tournament Championship

May 17, 2021

The Sheffield girls minors’ team, Allegheny Oil and Lube, won the girls’ minors mid-season WCYBSA tournament championship on Saturday. 

(Pictured below back row for Allegheny Lube: coaches Scott Barr, Jason Silves, Justin Snell and Jared Finch. Middle Row: Cierra Melquist, Sydney Barr, Kelsi Silves, Molly Richards, Lilly Richards, Zoey Lindsey, Katie Finch, Laelah Mueller and Maddy Snell. Front Row: Anna Dysinger and Zella Seither. Not pictured Riley Grubbs.)

They won the championship game by a score of 15-0, getting a shutout in the circle from Katie Finch, who allowed just two walks while striking out eight. 

Maddy Snell had a 2-run, while Laelah Mueller and Molly Richards had RBIs as well. Zoey Lindsey notched a single in the victory as well.

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