Warren Area High School teacher Amy Morrison applauds Warren Area Elementary Center 3rd graders following a caroling stop outside Morrison's classroom. Photo by Brian Hagberg.

WAEC 3rd Graders Go Caroling at WAHS

December 19, 2023

WARREN, Pa. – A group of Warren Area Elementary Center 3rd graders brought some holiday spirit to the halls of Warren Area High School on Monday.

The group, under the direction of WAEC Music Instructor Parker Neal, made several stops along the WAHS first floor. The children sang several classic numbers including “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” and “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.”

“The joy that’s on their face when they come down. Our teachers enjoy it, the busy time of the year and just a reminder of what the time of year is as well,” WAHS Assistant Principal Mike Cradduck said.

Warren Area Elementary Center Music Instructor Parker Neal leads a group of WAEC 3rd graders in song while caroling at Warren Area High School. Photo by Brian Hagberg.

Cradduck led the students around the building, opening classroom doors to allow WAHS teachers a students a front-row view of the performance.

“This time of the year is very busy, a lot of kids are trying to catch up on work, that kind of stuff,” Cradduck said. “It’s just a nice little break for them to step on the hallways for a couple minutes, listen to little kids, and kinda go back in class and refocus and get back to work.”

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