Warren Mayor Dave Wortman congratulates Junior Council Member Sam Harvey. Photo by Brian Hagberg.

Junior Council Member Harvey Recognized; Mulberry Park Survey Data Shared

June 27, 2024

WARREN, Pa. – During its most recent meeting, Warren City Council recognized the efforts of outgoing Junior Council member Sam Harvey.

“Sam has been with us for a year and he’s done a fantastic job,” Mayor Dave Wortman said.

Wortman presented Harvey with a pen with Harvey’s name engraved as a token of appreciation.

“You can think about us 30 years down the road when you sign some really important document and you can say, ‘That’s where I got my start,’” Wortman said.

Harvey is set to attend West Point Military Academy where he plans to major in Chemical Engineering to commission as an officer in the Corps of Engineers.

“I chose the military because I believe in upholding American values and I want to find purpose in my profession,” Harvey wrote for his Warren Area High School Military Signing Day bio.

During the meeting, Wortman named some of Harvey’s accomplishments – National Honor Society, Senior Class Officer, Prom Committee, multi-year Letterman, competing nationally as a powerlifter – and expressed confidence that Harvey will continue to “do fantastic things.”

“And he’s going to spend a really fun summer teaching other cadets, probably the older cadets what a Warren Dragon is capable of leadership, desire, determination, dedication, nothing but great things,” Wortman said. “He’s able to do fantastic things. And obviously, go to a place like West Point United States Military Academy, which is known for producing great leaders that serve our nation. I think this is something that is absolutely incredible. And commendable. I wish you all the very best.”

Harvey thanked council for not only providing him an opportunity but also recognizing his classmates’ achievements.

“It’s been a great opportunity for me and I think it was great to recognize my fellow students for their athletic achievements,” Harvey said. “It’s very important to be recognized and all the students for their hard work, and dedication. It’s a very eye-opening experience to see how many people and how many man-hours go into our own city. So I just want to say thank you.”


Director of Codes and Planning Randy Rossey presented council with the raw data from the recently completed Mulberry Park survey.

Nearly 200 people completed the survey, with 83 respondents who said they had lived near the park for 20 or more years.

“The group that’s working on that will review the survey, and they’re looking at the results from that and what they may decide to propose to council,” Rossey said.

The responses indicate that north side residents are not satisfied with the current state of the park as 105 said they were somewhat or extremely dissatisfied with Mulberry Park. Only 31 people said they were somewhat or extremely satisfied with the park.

The top three preferred upgrades are for Mulberry to be added to the Summer Playground Program (88), the addition of a fitness trail (88), and the building of a pavilion or shelter (79).


Council approved a bid from XL Excavating in Cambridge Springs for the renovation of restrooms on the easternmost side of Betts Park.

The bid came in at $119,912.

“Funding for this project includes $59,956 added by DCNR, $50,000 committed by a private local foundation and $9,956 in matching funds to be paid for from the city’s general fund,” City Manager Mike Holtz said.

The project will include bringing the restrooms up to current ADA accessibility standards, installing new asphalt, roof, interior and exterior painting, a sidewalk, park benches, and landscaping.

Holtz said work is expected to be completed by Oct. 31, 2024.

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