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EA MAVS Conclude Stellar Season at One Global and Summit Championships

June 26, 2024

WARREN, Pa. – The EA MAVS wrapped up another strong season with their fourth win at the One Global Finals in Orlando and also earned a bid to Summit, a year ahead of schedule.

The MAVS attended 14 competitions this season, winning first place in 13 with 10 Grand Champion achievements and three Best Choreography.

To say its been wildly proud ride is an understatement,” assistant coach Shawna Fitzgerald said.

The MAVS won a national ring at the national competition in Erie in April, then took first place at the championships in Virginia Beach. EA (Extreme Athletix) Senior Cheer and Youth Hip Hop teams also competed at Virginia Beach with Toy Story taking first in the youth division and Senior Cheer taking second.

The MAVS earned a bid to Summit, one of the premiere competitions in the country.

This was our first year achieving a bid to Summit, it was actually a goal for next season, however these athletes had a phenomenal season and made that a realization this season,” Fitzgerald said. :They made it to Day Two semifinal, which is amazing, but we did not advance to the finals.”

The MAVS weren’t done though as they polished off the season at the One Global Finals in Orlando. In first after two days of competition, the MAVS won Grand Champion for all locations.

With their new practice facility ready to go, registration for next season at Extreme Athletix is now open.

Our registration is open now until rosters get full and then we will have a waitlist for those interested in trying their own journey with Extreme Athletix,” Fitzgerald said.

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