Forest Service Signs Supplemental Environmental Assessment Project Decision

March 8, 2021

MARIENVILLE, PA — The Allegheny National Forest has signed the decision notice for the South Branch Kinzua Creek Supplemental Environmental Assessment project.

In the decision notice, Marienville District Ranger Rob Fallon cited no significant impact to the 4,728-acre project area. Fallon selected to add 189 acres of regeneration harvests in eleven approved timber stands. The regeneration harvests will allow for the timely removal of forest canopy in these stands when tree seedlings are well established.

Fallon said he prefers this action because, “It provides for a critical step in the management process that was initiated for these eleven stands with the original project decision. Our initial commercial harvest in these stands opened the forest canopy to allow seedlings to become established.”

He added, “This action will allow us to remove the remainder of the canopy to give this next generation of trees free reign to grow. Healthy seedlings will give rise to a new generation of healthy forests, enhancing clean air and water, a diversity of wildlife habitat, and outdoor recreation opportunities well into the future.”

This project was subject to the 36 C.F.R. part 218 pre-decisional objection process. No objections were received during the objection review period. Implementation may start immediately following the signing of the decision notice and finding of no significant impact.

More information on the South Branch Kinzua Creek Supplemental Environmental Assessment Project can found at:

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