Broadband Remains at Center of Rescue Plan Fund Options

November 11, 2021

WARREN, Pa. – The Warren County Commissioners are trying to figure out the best way to spend the $7.8 million they have been allocated in American Rescue Plan funds.

County officials have received several informal requests for funds and the commissioners are currently taking those into consideration while coming up with a process for those requests to be considered.

The county does plan on earmarking a large portion of the funds for broadband internet.

“It’s hard to firm up those buckets at this point, along with reserving four or five million for broadband,” Commissioner Ben Kafferlin said. “That’s the number one infrastructure issue in the county (broadband) that is our top priority.”

Added Commissioner Jeff Eggleston: I think that given the nature of budgeting that we should probably have a conversation about scope.”

Over the next 10 years, about $368.7 million is scheduled to be spent bringing high-speed internet to homes and businesses in Pennsylvania that are underserved or do not have broadband access that meets current federal standards.

Youngsville Borough Manager Scott Nelson said that: “We have plenty of other projects, sewer and water-related (for ARPA funds). Dec. 3 is the date council has to approve this.”

Nelson also added that: “We’re pretty much shovel ready at this point,” in regards to the broadband project.

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